It's Possible!

Sometimes our mind is like a balloon. drifting and controlled by other influences. When things go our way we feel happy. If not, we feel sad. Our whole life we aspire to be happy, but the problem is, that normally, our state of happiness is influenced by external circumstances. It is determined by people and events that are out of our control. So what can we do about it? How can we make happiness sustainable? For the International day of happiness 2022, I want to remind you that Happiness and unhappiness are things that come from within us. They are no more than a state of mind and therefore their real cause can not be found outside. 

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We are meet THE GOOD ONES. "meet THE GOOD ONES" is a YouTube channel whose aim is to spread the good and make it visible. In regular episodes, we present inspiring people, projects, ideas and actions that make the world a little bit better and more beautiful in their very own way.

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This episode is inspired by the TED talk "Happiness is all in your mind" by Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014    • Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Ke...   Go check it out. It's outstanding! 


Extra Broll: 

Yan Krukov 

Tima Miroshnichenko 

samazing family

 Mike Samkov 



From Pexels. 

Thank you guys for these wonderful shots. 

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