Thanking Poliker. The singer that gave my mother a last moment of joy.

Yehuda Poliker is a renowned Israeli singer-songwriter. He has touched the hearts of multiple generations in Israel. When it comes to #Poliker, my mother was like a 16 year old groupie. She was in love. Poliker had ruched our family a few time. The first time was when we asked him to call and greet our mother for her 60th birthday. The second time, shortly before she died from cancer. We wanted to give her a last moment of joy so we asked Poliker to send her a get well greeting. What he sent her, was probably her last moment of happiness. I always wanted to personally thank him but never had the chance. Not long ago I met another good one. His name is Doron and he is the CEO of #Taglit - birthright. When he hear my story he said that he will do anything he can to help me. He invited me to attend the celebration for the 74th Israeli Independence Day. The main attraction was a Poliker concert. I only needed to find him backstage.

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 * I didn’t know that when I stated to make this film, but tomorrow, a day after release, it will be #motherday here in Germany . Here is a link to a Spotify playlist of Poliker songs the my brother had made: 

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