The "Schultüten-Projekt" - supporting school starters in need.

Nowadays we all go to school for free, but the accessories that help us learn are not so cheap. For some of us, it is a hard financial blow, especially the first class. As a result a lot of children have to start school with a sad face and bare hands. It doesn't have to be that way. This week I met some wonderful “good ones” who decided to give more children an opportunity to smile. 

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Wir sind meet THE GOOD ONES. "meet THE GOOD ONES” ist ein YouTube Kanal, dessen Ziel es ist, das Gute zu verbreiten und sichtbar zu machen. In regelmäßigen Episoden stellen wir inspirierende Menschen, Projekte, Ideen und Aktionen vor, die die Welt auf ihre ganz eigene Weise ein kleines bisschen besser und schöner machen.

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