Last summer I built a #karma box and tried it out in Mauer park in berlin. The Idea was pretty simple.Take if you need. Give if you can. Seeing a #Karmabox in action was so nice that ever since then I wanted to build another one and see if it will work the same somewhere else. This week, we started a vacation in #Israel. On the rooftop of our place in #TelAviv, there is a small storage room. There we found a bunch of old magazines that were just lying around for years. Instead of throwing them away, we decided to build Karmabox 2.0. from them. My mother in law made a box into a work of art. We filled it in #magictriks and some other ingredients and went to try it out on Ben-Gurion Bulevard in Tel-Aviv. We soon learned that #sharingiscaring.
Wir sind meet THE GOOD ONES. "meet THE GOOD ONES” ist ein YouTube Kanal, dessen Ziel es ist, das Gute zu verbreiten und sichtbar zu machen. In regelmäßigen Episoden stellen wir inspirierende Menschen, Projekte, Ideen und Aktionen vor, die die Welt auf ihre ganz eigene Weise ein kleines bisschen besser und schöner machen.