You Know - For kids.

I decided to learn how to hula hoop. In public, near the Brandenburg Gate, one of the most visited places in Berlin. In the beginning there were just my teacher Dunja, a master hula hopper and me. Afterwards … well let’s say that there were a lot of children there. 

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Wir sind meet THE GOOD ONES. "meet THE GOOD ONES” ist ein YouTube Kanal, dessen Ziel es ist, das Gute zu verbreiten und sichtbar zu machen. In regelmäßigen Episoden stellen wir inspirierende Menschen, Projekte, Ideen und Aktionen vor, die die Welt auf ihre ganz eigene Weise ein kleines bisschen besser und schöner machen.

Verpasse nichts mehr von uns

Dunja Kuhn is a hula hoop dancer and trainer with 10 years of experience and two entries in the Guinness Book of World Records. She performs on the stages of the world and inspires young and old with her hula hoop arts, which she passes on in workshops and courses. 













Hula Hoop Schule Berlin by Dunja von K Dunja von K

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